Public Attractions
We believe the public attractions are not presented in the best possible way at present and that there is a vast amount of untapped potential around these sites.
The sites are bordered by some of the poorest communities in South Africa and development of these sites will lead to many jobs and business opportunities for the members of these communities.
We are represented at:
- Mpumalanga Tourism Think Tank
- Ehlanzeni Tourism Working Group
Current Projects:
- KLCBT is actively lobbying for the public attractions under the custodianship of Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency to be privatized on a tender or long term lease so these sites can be developed to their full potential
- We would like to develop a “Panorama Pass” which will give access to all the sites on the Panorama Route instead of having to pay cash at each site. It will be easier for the visitors and gate control will be quicker and safer without wasting time on payments, receipts, etc.
- The newly inscribed World Heritage Site which is Barberton Makonjwa Mountains, has very little to offer the visitor. The development of attractions around the Site is hampered by the delay in appointment of a Management Authority. Meanwhile we are ensuring that funding is available for the development of the site through various government entities and we are accumulating ideas of what these offerings should be.
Previous Achievements:
- The recent establishment of the Mpumalanga Tourism Think Tank is an achievement in itself. For the first time representatives of Province in tourism, infrastructure and law enforcement met with top minds of the private sector.
Pilgrim’s Rest « KLCBT
Pilgrim’s Rest
- June 29th, 2019
The historic mining town of Pilgrim’s Rest has seen a decline in visitor number as a result of neglect and many business premises standing empty. The problem here is, because the town is government owned (as a historical site), Dept of Works has to manage and maintain the buildings. Because it is the only acceptable property management method in government, the shops are individually allocated based on an elaborate and cumbersome tendering process. This has left many shops open with no tenants “qualified” to occupy them.
Worsening economic conditions has led to vast unemployment and much unhappiness in the local community and several community protests over time. It is very sad that for some reason, government is not able to speed up the process enable change here – it is low hanging fruit!
We have been passionately lobbying for a permanent solution for the town to be implemented that will see it returning to its former popularity.
We are represented at and was instrumental in the formation of:
- PRIDE (Pilgrim’s Rest Integrated Development Engagement)
- Many meetings with various consultants working on a solution for Pilgrim’s Rest
Current Projects:
- KLCBT is actively lobbying at every possible platform that Pilgrim’s Rest should be managed as a global entity by one authority or managing company, who will assure all shops are occupied by the right mix of tenants and that everything is maintained and in a pristine condition. This will encourage the tourism industry to market the town and include in on more and more itineraries for visitors.
Previous Achievements:
- The formation of PRIDE in itself is an achievement and many fruitful engagements sprouted from that.
- We are hopeful that the final report of the consultants will encourage the implementation of a management authority or that the site as a whole will be leased out to a suitable private sector candidate on a long term basis.