Our Mandate

  • Destination Marketing of the Kruger Lowveld
  • Comprehensive regional information services out of 4 offices (Nelspruit Head Office, Nelspruit Riverside Mall, White River and Cape Town)
  • Free information to visitors and potential visitors (Z-card map, DVD, Daytrips & Attractions booklet, Official Guide to the Kruger Lowveld and krugerlowveld.com
  • Providing networking opportunities and daily information service to our members (hosting at least two events per month)
  • Continually seeking and providing opportunities and training for SMME’s
  • Form strong alliances with likeminded organisations (Currently affiliated to SACCI, AHI, SATSA and FEDHASA and seeking increased affliations)
  • Form meaningful and sustainable relationships with all spheres of government (Good relationship with MEC, District LED and Mbombela Local Municipality – in process to sign an MOU between private sector and Mbombela Municipality to form the Mbombela Economic Development Partnership – an NPC which will incubate economic development projects), and all relevant government agencies
  • Through our strong relationships and continual engagement, we address key focus areas which are stumbling blocks for development and growth