PPGI – Public Private Growth Initiative

The PPGI in collaboration with KLCBT is launching a platform to stimulate growth in the Ehlanzeni District. PPGI is a national project which identified the Ehlanzeni District as a district in SA with enormous growth potential that could benefit from their vast experience and existing relationship and engagements with national government, as well as the president’s office, to develop the district to its maximum potential.

Using the District Development Model (DDM) as a catalyst, economic growth will be achieved through a highly focused approach, taking one project or one problem at a time and attack it with a detailed and consulted strategy and with surgical precision to ensure a successful outcome.

It will be achieved through strengthening and building on the existing solid relationship with local government through KLCBT, eliminating growth inhibitors and with direct linkages with District, Provincial and National Government that PPGI brings to the partnership. The collaboration will further succeed to establish catalytic projects which will further stimulate a multitude of other businesses and job opportunities.

Background information on PPGI: